REFLECT A 7-Day Audio Meditation Series With Composed Music

Created and Written by: Dr. Goksin Ozkarahan, M.D.


REFLECT is a meditation product of OzKare, LLC and is unrelated to the medical practice of G. Ozkarahan, M.D., P.C. Purchasing or engaging with this product of OzKare, LLC does not establish a doctor-patient relationship with Dr. Ozkarahan. This meditation program does not provide medical advice nor is it intended to replace psychiatric consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. By listening to the sample excerpts or renting/ purchasing the entire series, you recognize that neither full nor individualized psychiatric services will be rendered. If you have heart or lung disease, always consult a physician before doing deep breathing exercises. Since the recordings may cause drowsiness, please do not listen to the meditations while driving, bathing, operating heavy machinery, or in other unsafe environmental conditions. All purchases are subject to the Terms of Use of OzKare, LLC. By purchasing the product on Gumroad, you indicate that you have read and agree to the Terms. If gifting for someone else, please ensure the recipient agrees to the Terms of Use of OzKare, LLC in its entirety before using the product.